Dionè was founded with the sole purpose of disrupting the overpriced fashion accessories industry. We set out to understand why handbags and jewelry were ridiculously priced. We realized that these brands had a 4-part system to get their products to the consumer. The traditional method involves higher operating costs which leads to higher prices offered to the consumer.
By offering our products exclusively online and shipping them directly to your home, we are able to reduce costs and pass all the savings on to you!
Our mission
Dionè was founded on the belief that quality should not be defined by price. Our mission is to provide high quality fashion accessories, but without the high price tag.
Customer Experience
Customer service is very important at Dionè. We do our best to provide high quality products at affordable prices, 24/7 customer service, 6-month warranty, free shipping, exceptional packaging, 30-day money back guarantee and follow-up emails after receiving your order to ensure satisfaction. We want to make sure your shopping experience at Dionè is nothing less than fantastic.
We work with the best manufacturing companies the world has to offer. All our stones and metals are ethically sourced and made from high performance materials.